Thursday, August 2, 2018

Names of famous psychologist and their given theories


Names of famous psychologist and their given  theories 

Albert bandura -- social learning theory 

    Jerome k, brunner -- cognitive          development of childrens 

Erik erikson --theory of psychosocial development

Sigmond Freud -- Psycho-Analysis Theory 

      Lawrence kohlberg -- moral            development theory 

                                                      Abraham maslow -- Hierarchy of needs theory (needs theory )

Ivan pavlow -- condition / uncondition responce theory 

Jean piaget -- cognitive development theory 

Carl rogger -- Self actualization theory                                                                                                                                                        
                                                        B.F. Skinner -- operant conditioning 

Edward thorndike -- operant conditioning within behaviourism 

Lev vygotsky -- social culture theory / social development theory 

John watson -- classical conditioning within behaviourism 

Wilhelm Wundt -- structuralism ,founder of experimental

Wolfgang Kohler -- Insight learning theory 

John dewey -- learning by doing method 

Carol Giligon -- care perspective theory 

Louis thursten -- group factor theory of intelligence 

Edward thorndike -- multiple factor theory of intelligence 

Alfred binet -- one factor theory of intelligence

Charles Edward Spearman -- two factor theory of intelligence 

J.P. Guilford (Joy Paul Guilford)-- three dimentional theory of intelligence 

Robert sternberg -- triarchic theory of intelligence

Howard gardner -- multiple intelligence theory                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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